Building a Phone Dialler for Families and Friends using Xamarin – Part 2

Hello, people, I am back to talk more into the developments of my App. I am trying to name the App as Family Dialler. In case you have any better name, please do reach out or comment below. If any of you are a designer, please do help me with the look and feel of this App.

Family Dialler

Well, the App is now working to some extent in Debugging Mode. I am first working on a skeleton of the App with the minimum designs and layouts. I am doing this to test the functionalities that are required to go further with the App requirements.

NuGet Packages

I am listing some of the NuGet packages that I have come across and using them or am thinking of using in the future (as the App progresses). I have been maintaining a list of these packages and will keep on updating the same in a post published earlier.

I can access the Contacts as we speak and can perform the basic CRUD operations on my favorite contacts. Looking forward to finishing some more things 🙂

Anubhav Ranjan
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